NFL World Offering Up Prayers For Former Buccaneers Coach Bruce Arians.

An important health concern for the former head coach of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers occurred earlier this season.Arians reportedly had to be carried by a stretcher from his

house to the hospital, where he was kept for many days in critical condition. Thankfully, he has subsequently healed, but his future may still be difficult.

The head coach of the Super Bowl champion team experienced significant chest symptoms before being told that he had myocarditis."We ate, and afterward, I began to get sharp aches

up above. The more I attempted to breathe, the worse it became "He told Bucs Fan Joe. Thought I had indigestion, so I took some Tums, but it only grew worse.

At Tampa General, Arians worked briefly.The scans, thankfully, revealed no fluid, no cardiac damage, and absolutely no blockages. "They looked at everything with a cardiac

radiologist and ended up prescribing me anti-inflammatories."NFL followers have turned to social media to express their prayers for the recovering former Buccaneers head coach.

 "I nearly ended up in the hospital last month while watching the Bucs play "An admirer wrote.

"He's had these medical problems for a time. little time. Perhaps it's time to actually retire this time "Another admirer wrote.