At today's practice, Tom Brady had a special guest.

Tom Brady, the quarterback for the Buccaneers, got to spend some quality time with his son Jack on Wednesday.

Today's Buccaneers practice featured Jack in attendance. He has been to the team's facility before.

Brady took his child to practice during the preseason. As a ball boy, he supported the Buccaneers.

Jack had a chance to throw a few  passes to his father this time.Brady posted a picture of his son making a pass on Instagram after practice was over.

"My inspiration," was the caption Brady gave for his Instagram image.Brady made it known that his son plays high school football earlier this year.

According to Brady, who spoke to E! News, "I believe one of the big highlights of my life is watching him play and him grow and develop,

and my kids in general, too." "I really enjoy seeing him work hard, especially in team sports. I enjoy team sports because they make you work well with others.

It makes you accountable for your actions and force you to accept responsibility. You learn discipline from it. It instills respect in you."