After the Titans' loss, Colin Cowherd had a blunt message for the Packers.

The Green Bay Packers' positive energy that had been generated by their victory over the Dallas Cowboys on Sunday was completely destroyed by the Tennessee Titans when they 

defeated them yesterday. The Packers are being criticized for it by Colin Cowherd.Cowherd repeated his steadfast opinion that the Packers are lacking vital leadership in the

locker room on Friday's episode of The Herd. He claimed that the club lacked "foxhole men," grit, and perseverance, with quarterback Aaron Rodgers being one of the most

noteworthy non-leaders.According to Cowherd, the Packers lack a distinct identity and don't currently do anything particularly well enough to be a significant force in the NFL.

He once again expressed his displeasure with Aaron Rodgers for not going all-in for the season."Lack of tenacity. Negative resilience No foxhole people are present,

particularly not Aaron Rodgers "said Cowherd.To defend the Green Bay Packers at this juncture in their 4-7 season is all but impossible. For the first time since 2018, they are

expected to miss the postseason.Mike McCarthy, a former head coach, was fired after posting a similar record.There are many issues facing the Packers, but many of them will be

challenging to solve in the offseason of 2023. The primary cause of that is Aaron Rodgers' absurdly expensive deal, which renders him uncuttable regardless of how

horribly he performs.Is there any chance the Packers can change their fortunes before the season is over?